Happy Friday everyone! I finally made some time to work on a home project I've been needing to tackle. This month, I chose my makeup drawer. Guys, it was awful. I couldn't even open it properly, and it took FOREVER to find what I needed. I think I spent more time looking for the product I wanted than I did applying them. Here's a picture of the craziness, just in case you don't believe me.

I told you guys it was bad. I have makeup I didn't even know I had. I think I have at least twenty eyeliners...all in black. (And one random blue one. Why did I buy blue eyeliner? Present day Alycia will never know.) Who needs that many? Certainly not me. Did I get rid of any of them? Of course not. I might need them one day. I also have around ten blushes, all close to the same shade, several highlighters, setting sprays, and a couple of bronzers. Did anyone notice the three deodorants in the drawer? Why do I have so many? I honestly have no idea. They just showed up one day, like the vast majority of my makeup collection. I think I must have blacked out in Ulta at some point. Anyway, here's a visual of everything out on my counter.

SO. MUCH. MAKEUP. Some of this is very old, and probably needs to be thrown out. But I'm somewhat of a hoarder when it comes to my makeup, and if it doesn't look or smell weird, it's probably fine. Notice I said "probably". Do not hold me liable for using your expired makeup. I don't approve of anyone else doing so.
You can't see it here, but somewhere in that pile is an Urban Decay, limited edition eyeliner from 2013. Yes, it is ten years old (How am I old enough to have an eyeliner from ten years ago?!). If you're wondering if I still use it, the answer is also yes. And it looks phenomenal on me. It really highlights my eye color. Most of my eyeshadow pallets are at least five years old, some of them are even older, and not even pictured here. They're in another drawer I'm not going to touch today.
How did I organize all of this? With bins from the Dollar Tree of course. Although, it's not really the Dollar Tree anymore. More like the "Dollar Twenty-five Tree". They should really consider a name change. I have a funny story about my grandpa and the Dollar Tree. One time, he decided to join my mom and me while shopping, which he didn't normally do. We're shopping and everything is fine, until we hear a man asking a very exasperated employee how much everything in the store is, item by item. Now, he passed away in 2010, so we'll never know if he was genuinely asking, or if he just wanted to be annoying. Either one is plausible.
Anyway, I love the Dollar Tree because I can get what I want without paying too much. I'm looking at you Target. Organization bins are so expensive there. Why? Because it's Target and they know we'll pay whatever price they give us. You don't go to Target to save money. You go to Target and let the store tell you what you need. That happens at Dollar Tree, too, but it's not as harsh on your wallet.
Before I put the baskets in the drawer, I decided to make it look nicer and put down some Pioneer Woman shelf paper I had laying around from last year. I used to adore her products, and I still do, though I don't buy them much anymore. They're kinda pricey. But I digress. Here's a picture of what the drawer looks like with the shelf paper and baskets:

Not much to look at, I know. But I love how neat it looks. And it will look lovely holding my many products. I absolutely love organizing things. The act of finding a place for everything is so satisfying. I think my type 'A' friends will agree. It was hard deciding how to organize everything, but I settled on using one basket for eyeshadow, one for eyeliners, one for mascara (I have so many! I had no idea), one for lip products, and one for powders. My foundations and setting sprays didn't get a basket. How sad for them. But don't worry. Inanimate objects don't have feelings.
Okay, I think it's time for one last picture. Are you ready for the reveal? Drum roll please!

It's not perfect, and maybe not organized enough for some people. But it's good enough for me. I can find what I need quickly, apply it, and move on with my day. I hope this inspires you to organize something in your house this month. I think next time I'm going to tackle my junk drawers in the kitchen. Anyone want to join me for that one? Let me know in the comments your favorite ways to organize, and share some tips if you have them! Have an amazing weekend.
-xx Alycia
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