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Writer's pictureAlycia Hamon

Let's Organize Some Drawers-Part 2

Updated: Apr 7

This month I chose to tackle yet another small, but greatly needed, home project. I promise, I will get to some bigger, more interesting ones in the future. But for now, you get to read about how I organized some more drawers. This time, I chose my kitchen junk drawers. Everyone has one....or five. Not that I would know or anything. I'm only speculating. Are you guys ready to see the "before" photos? Of course you are. We love to see other people's messes. It makes us feel better about our own. It just helps knowing there's at least one other person who's life, I mean junk drawer, is complete chaos.

junk drawer

junk drawer

I think this was worse than my makeup drawer. Especially since there's two of them this time. I'll be honest, as always. I was ready to give up before I even got started. I was tired and unmotivated. But I promised my faithful readers content, so I must deliver. You guys motivate me to actually do what I say I will, and I'm eternally grateful for you. I think I've accomplished more goal-wise since I started this blogging journey than I have in my entire life. So thank you! I love the community I have found here.

Back to the job at hand. There was So. Much. Trash. My goodness. I think half of the junk in there I ended up throwing away. As for the rest....I used baskets. I love using baskets to organize my life. Big baskets, little baskets, baskets for my baskets. They're amazing. I took my chaotic junk and it less chaotic. I mean at the end of the day, it's still junk right? We use these drawers for things that don't really belong anywhere else, or things we use too often to put them away where they actually belong. Why? Because we're too lazy to do anything else. Admit it. You are too. There's no shame here.

I used one basket for the twenty random screwdrivers I found, and one for loose batteries. Do they still work? I have no idea. I guess I'll find out when one of my children needs a toy they haven't touched in months to work again (It will be a complete travesty if it doesn't). Scissors and my candle lighter got put off to the side, and cords got pushed to the back along with a hammer.

The second drawer is mostly used for sauce packets (I know you save them too. Don't lie), and the many other random items that truly don't have a place anywhere. What's in that particular basket? I'm glad you asked. Here's a list: my old glasses, a phone case, a Nook case, watch bands, screen protectors, and a notebook. You can never find a notebook when you need one...or a pen. But now I have the pens in another smaller basket. We'll be ready to take important notes at all times.

Here are the results:

organized drawer

Organized drawer

See? Still chaotic. But now it's organized chaos. That's how I thrive and how I've made it this far in life. I hope you guys enjoyed seeing the progress of my organization efforts. I post a vote up in a couple of weeks and you can decide what project I tackle next. I hope you have a great week and I'll talk to you soon!



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