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Writer's pictureAlycia Hamon

September Goals

Updated: Dec 5, 2023

It's Planner Monday and the end of the month, which means I'll be sharing what my goals are for September. Fall is finally on it's way, and I can't wait to wear comfy sweaters and drink pumpkin spice as if it's life-sustaining.

Planner with fall decor

Monthly Goals

This month I'm finally attempting a no-spend challenge. Now, if you ask my husband, he will tell you this will not go well because I can't go a day without buying something to save my life. I'm going to have to modify it in some way. I think I'll have a list of "acceptable" purchases, which will, of course, include pumpkin spice coffee from Starbucks and Dunkin'. It's fall and I can't live without it. My list will also include this month's date night, and anything the kids need. I think with these modifications, it will be doable. Our biggest money drain is eating out, so having a meal plan and sticking to it will be crucial to success.

I'm also going to complete my second home project. I've decided to tackle my kitchen junk drawers. It will be the same process as the last project, but a little more difficult. I honestly have no idea what's in those drawers. Sauce packets, random cords, loose batteries, and tons of useless things that probably need to be thrown out. Here's a sneak peak of the chaos.

It's going to be super fun going through all of the mess in here. But organizing is my specialty, so I know I can get it done. I will also be organizing my closet as part of my bucket list challenge, and sorting through my kids clothing to prepare for the cooler months.

I have it on my "Monthly Action Items" to decorate for fall, but I have a confession. I already did. I decorate for fall on August 1st. I know I live in Oklahoma and it's the hottest month. I know fall isn't technically here until September 23rd. However, I do not care. Bring on the pumpkins and leaves. Besides, it's freezing in my house. I can pretend it's fall in my home.

The last thing on my list is planning out my October content. I have another confession. I haven't even planned September's content. I haven't been very organized lately. Everyone gets burned out though, and I'm no exception. I'll be putting out a post on Friday on how to get back on track when you get burned out, or something unexpected happens. I hope it will be helpful for some of you!

Weekly Goals

Most of my weekly goals revolve around blogging and taekwondo. I'm still working towards my blue belt, and practicing forms is an important component of that. I'm also trying to complete my "52 recipe" challenge this year. I haven't made much progress on that though.

Daily Goals

I have a lot of daily goals, and they may be a bit ambitious. I want to be more consistent with my quiet time routine. I haven't been in my Bible as much as I'd like to be, but I hope to make more time for that this month. I need to take my vitamins and keep up with my cleaning routine (post on that coming soon). We homeschool five days per week, and I'm still working on learning Greek and French on Duolingo. Posting content on social media for my blog promotion is on my daily "to-do". And, of course, my no-spend challenge. I think it will be satisfying to mark off everyday I don't spend outside of the items on my list.

Well, that's it. I hope you'll join me this month as I attempt to accomplish my ambitious goals. The no-spend challenge will be interesting, and I'll be sure to share an update at the end of the month. Let's have a great week!


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