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  • Writer's pictureAlycia Hamon

Thirty lessons I learned in the last year of my 20s'

On July 4th, 2023, I launched my blog. This year has been a roller-coaster in ways I didn't expect. Alycia Plans has blown up in a capacity I never imagined. At the one year mark, I reached over 20,000 views in one month, with my posts being read over 67,000 times (thank you!). I've begun my affiliate journey, and became an affiliate for Cultivate What Matters, which was a Big Dream goal (in CWM terms). I have so much gratitude in my heart and words can't adequately express that.

My blog started because when I turned 29, I had a mini crisis. I was definitely freaking out, worried about all the things I'd planned to do, but didn't get the chance to accomplish. I set out to do things I thought would change my life and make me happy. The list was long and ambitious. Some of it was random. Other items were things I'd been planning to do for years. I had the best intentions, and I wanted to share my journey with you guys.

Over the past few months, I stopped trying to complete them. Why? Because life happens. You get a different job that requires more time and energy. Out of no where, your health takes a major hit and changes your life as you know it. But, I learned a lot without doing anything on my "30 before 30" bucket list. So, instead of a list with explanations on why I didn't accomplish them (what this post started as), here's thirty lessons I learned in the last year of my 20s':

  1. Your life doesn't end when you turn 30. I'm just getting started.

  2. Seasons of rest are imperative.

  3. Saying "no" is more than okay. Your boundaries matter.

  4. The hardest things are the most rewarding.

  5. Sometimes the best thing to do is stop, breathe, and reevaluate.

  6. Your value is not tied to what you can do for someone.

  7. Your health isn't a given, and can change in a moment.

  8. Life isn't easily planned out.

  9. You can find your family later in life.

  10. And it's okay if they aren't who raised you.

  11. Healing takes time, but it's absolutely worth it.

  12. Your to-do list isn't going anywhere.

  13. Save for emergencies.

  14. You will never regret saving money, but you'll likely regret spending it.

  15. Having a budget and sticking to it is cool.

  16. Energy drinks are not and can do a lot of damage to your body.

  17. Speaking of bodies, you only have one. Treat it well.

  18. Being at the ideal weight will not always prevent health issues.

  19. Neither will the perfect exercise regimen.

  20. It's okay if what matters to you doesn't make sense to someone else.

  21. Just show up. Come as you are.

  22. If you go to an event alone, ask to sit with someone. You might make a new friend.

  23. No one is looking at your baseboards.

  24. Life is too short to keep faking it.

  25. Though sometimes faking confidence will get you far.

  26. Trying to fill your empty spaces with things will not make you happy.

  27. If it won't matter in five minutes, five months, or five years, it's not worth worrying about.

  28. Having a 10-year plan is great, but chances are it won't work out as you planned.

  29. Be proud of your accomplishments, but remember great success isn't all there is to life.

  30. You don't need a deadline to change your life. Start now.

When I'm 80, no one will be talking about what I accomplished, but how I lived my life. I want to live a joyful life, being unapologetically me. I want my legacy to be how much I love Jesus and those He put in my life. What about you? How do you want to live your life? What do you want to be remembered for? Write it down. Store it in your heart. Boldly live your life to the fullest. I will do the same. Here's to the next 30 years.

-- xx Alycia

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